AC Data Writer

When label printing company AC Labels purchased a new industrial printer they came to me needing software writing that could generate the data in a specific format for printing.

Since i had worked their previously i understood the requirements and got working on a VB.net solution.

The script editor window with command list on the left and the generation results on the right.
The script editor window with command list on the left and the generation results on the right.

My Solution was to give them something similar to what they have been working with. Since they often have to redo the same job with different data it was important that they could save the configuration for reloading later.

I made a pseudo command parser for this purpose, it took text files and setup going line by line before generating the CSV file.

Example CSV file written by the generator using the first screenshots commands.
Example CSV file written by the generator using the first screenshots commands.

Because this needed to be quickly the program released first with a base set of commands, but i added the ability to load plugins to handle the checksum numbers they needed. This allowed them to work on what they needed first and request as new modcheck plugin after without interrupting them with completely new builds.

It could also load external files to be written onto the labels which would be given by their clients.

To make it easier for new users a wizard was later added that would just ask the simple questions and create a basic script on their needs. This allowed the factory workers to come and generate something quickly if needed without having to have the knowhow.

The first step of the wizard, it has inputs related to the label run.
The first step of the wizard, it has inputs related to the label run.
The second step of the wizard, its inputs are for setting up the actual contents of each label.
The second step of the wizard, its inputs are for setting up the actual contents of each label.

The plugin system for this might have been the first instance of using inheritance in my programs!

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